sexta-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2012


Acabei de receber mais essa “boa” notícia de um novo procedimento na luta contra o GBM, ainda que seja experimental:


JFK Becomes First East Coast Site to Open Clinical Trial of

New Treatment Under Investigation for Aggressive Brain Tumors

New Jersey – JFK’s Brain Tumor Center is the first east coast hospital to start enrolling patients into a clinical trial for Toca 511 & Toca FC, a combination therapy under investigation for high-grade glioma (HGG).  HGG is an aggressive brain cancer that typically recurs despite maximal therapy including surgery and chemoradiation.

The investigational treatment combines Toca 511 (vocimagene amiretrorepvec), an innovative  biologic drug, with Toca FC, an extended-release tablet containing the antibiotic flucytosine. “I was impressed by the published data to date on the mechanism by which the drug incorporates into the tumor cells,” said  Joseph C. Landolfi, D.O., director of the JFK Brain Tumor Center. We are offering several trials for the treatment of newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme. This trial allows us to expand the novel therapies available to include a broader range of patients as the Toca 511 is available to all recurrent HGG patients.

Standard treatment of HGG begins with surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible, and is followed by radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.  Although the goal of standard treatment is to eliminate the tumor, the cancer usually returns because the tumor cells blend with and infiltrate healthy brain tissue.

In this clinical study, immediately after surgeons remove as much of the recurrent high-grade glioma as possible, the biologic drug Toca 511 will be injected into the “bed,” or portion of the brain from which the tumor was removed.

About seven weeks later, each patient will begin an eight-day course of oral Toca FC tablets. If tolerated well, these eight-day courses will be repeated every eight weeks for a total of three rounds during the six-month study. An MRI scan will be performed every two months during the trial period to measure the treatment’s effectiveness.

According to Tocagen, Inc., the San Diego-based biotechnology company that developed the investigational treatment, Toca 511 is designed to selectively deliver to cancer cells the genetic instructions to produce the cytosine deaminase (CD) enzyme, which can then convert the antibiotic flucytosine into the potent anti-cancer drug 5-FU, inside the cancer cells. 

To be eligible for the clinical trial, patients must be at 18 years to 80 years old and be considering surgery to remove a single high grade glioma tumor that has recurred or progressed following surgery, radiation and chemotherapy with temozolomoide..

 In addition to JFK, this clinical trial is also being conducted at other leading neurooncology centers in the United States.

JFK is now screening patients to participate in this clinical trial. Patients and referring physicians can call the study coordinator, Charles Porbeni, at 732-321-7000 x 68897 for further information.


Um comentário:

  1. André,
    Somam-se às dificuldades com o idioma a terminologia e o reciocínio científico que devem estar contidos neste texto que descreve "o novo tratamento" contra Dino. Mas, interessada por qualquer possibilidade de cura completa, vou "correr atrás" de meus amigos médicos, para que me expiquem o que significa esta nova chance que voce, guerreiro e imbuido da sua santa teimosia, descobriu.
    De qualquer forma, fico feliz e com minha dose de esperança alimentada.
    É este pespírito de luta que pode produzir "milagres", se é que me entende.
    Que voce não iria entregar os pontos, conhecendo voce como conheço, eu já esperava. O que me deixa feliz e comovida é voce canalizar suas energias de forma tão positiva, compartilhando tudo que sabe, consciente que está ajudando outras pessoas.
    Beijos em todos voces
